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More Chinese cities lift home-buying curbs to revive demand
2023-09-11 16:14:00

BEIJING (Reuters) - Two major cities in eastern China lifted all curbs on home purchases and selling on Monday, joining several other cities in dropping restrictions to attract buyers and revive a largely frozen property market.

Jinan and Qingdao, two of the largest cities in China's second-most populous province of Shandong, said homes in all areas are allowed to be put on the market, according to a government statement and a local media report.

Qingdao previously limited the number of homes that could be purchased in two districts. Jinan had similar measures.

Last week, three cities - Nanjing in eastern Jiangsu province and Dalian and Shenyang in northeastern Liaoning province - became the first cities to eliminate curbs on home buying.

The moves were part of broader support measures for the sluggish property market, which accounts for a quarter of China's economy. The measures include cuts in interest rates on existing mortgages.

China's property sector has been in a tailspin since 2021 when the government issued strict rules to stop indebted developers from accumulating even more debt.

A sector-wide liquidity crunch followed, slowing down the completion of projects, weighing on home-buyer sentiment and depressing prices.